Friday, June 19, 2009


Fat Boy employees at HQ spend all of their time online. And, supposedly they are doing research. I am not sure how many times Curve Ball needs to be researched! But, I digress. Our employees at one time used PayPal all the time. We no longer do. As "the numbers" will explain PayPal told us to go take a hike!!!

As you all know PayPal offers online payment and pseudo-merchant services. They have credit cards and other banking products. Their bread and butter though is Ebay payments.

Usefulness... 3 PayPal is a very useful service. Whether buying a nick-nack at ebay or moving money around the world, PayPal gets max points for Usefulness.

Satisfaction... 0 Because PayPal can hold your funds virtually indefinitely and doesn't have to conform to normal bank standards we found PayPal to be deeply dissatisfying. Not to mention they can and do hand out life-time bans from using their services because of accidental EULA infractions. Quick, quote me the PayPal user agreement! Exactly. Too extreme. (We know this from personal experience!)

Durability... 2 PayPal exhibits longevity. But, because of the successes of alternatives like' s pay service, better than PayPal's, I don't see it being tops for long. As well, Google is still fixed on toppling PayPal. I don't want Google intent on my destruction!

Overall... 1 PayPal is a useful tool but shows all the signs of a company that is or was at near monopoly status. Now with Amazon as a peer and Google on the hunt, I think PayPal is going to fall far and hard from it comfy perch.

A pitiful performance... DENIED!

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